Monday, 30 July 2012


The vision of the Midway Market is to link regional farmers, growers, producers and artists/crafts people with consumers, putting fresh, wholesome, regionally sourced foods and products in the hands of those who most need and desire them, thereby strengthening our citizens and visitors, our working food producers, our environment, our economy, and our community overall.

The mission of the Midway Market is to strengthen the health of our citizens and visitors; increase sales of our regional food producers and local businesses; improve the environment; and build community. We will accomplish this mission by providing a marketplace where farmers, growers, and producers will directly sell their fresh, regionally-sourced goods to consumers; and where community members can come together on a regular basis in a pleasant, safe, and festive atmosphere.

The latest Farm market survey shows consumers are looking for more of the following products:

  •          Veggies
  •          Fruit
  •          Variety of local produce
  •          Variety of food items
  •          Homemade baked goods
  •          Organic foods
  •          Homemade/handmade items
  •          Local artists, crafts and native art
  •          Children’s clothing, items, toys and activities
Click here to email Barb or Dave
Want to be a Vendor? Click Here for more information 

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

A Market in Midway!

This Saturday, Dave and Barb of Beary Good Stuff will be selling their home canning at the Midway Community Garden and signing up people for a new Market in Midway.
Tenetively Sundays from 9:30 - 12:30 at the Museum.
Interested? Call Barb or Dave 250-449-2896